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What is Position Success?

Position Success is the career-advancement solution of Hire Direction’s talent technology platform.  Position Success helps professionals at all stages and walks of life, properly prepare for the future of work through talent DNA-based training and development. 


✓  Identify the Right Jobs

✓  Interview Better

✓  Network Effectively

✓  Successfully Transition Career

Who is Position Success for?

Position Success is for anyone seeking guidance on how to begin, advance, transition or reinvent their career.  This system is especially good for helping people who don't know what to do, where to start, at helping people answer existential career questions (how can I find a job if I don't know what I am good at) and providing plans of action.

Answering the "Right" Career Questions

  • WHAT "Work" am I good at and WHY?

  • WHERE do my "Talents" fit within organizations?

  • HOW do I connect my talents to jobs?

  • HOW do I communicate my value during interviews?

Benefits of PSI talent DNA testing

Next-generation professional development

Unlocking your talent codes

Preparation for the future of work

Your talent DNA is the key to your survival, success, and thriving in the new world of work.  Unlocking your talent codes will be critical for maintaining occupational fitness in the future workforce.

Why it's Different!

The breakthrough science of talent DNA sequencing led to a complete paradigm shift in how we viewed talent.  Every person has unique talent DNA that's made of 32 quantifiable performance markers that correlate directly to business functions, organizational needs, and job requirements.  Position Success leverages talent DNA to help people make better-career related decisions in the same way DNA is used to make better health-related decisions.




"Talent DNA" consists of quantifiable work and performance markers, operational strengths, and unique approach to task execution and team interactions.  It does not measure intelligence, technical knowledge, self-expression, or factor in professional experience.  Talent DNA is used to help uncover your fundamental work-style and strategic approach to accomplishing objectives.  Talent DNA is used to help identify the work, roles, and positions where focus, engagement, and performance are maximized.

Identifying and measuring unique operational patterns and performance capabilities that match key requirements and needs of organizations.

Next-generation Professional Development

Identify your talent

You get career insights based on your talent codes and reports that give you clear information, understandable road maps, and actionable plans that help advance your career no matter the situation.  You get tools and resources that help make your next move and drive your career forward.


  • Build better resumes

  • Drive interviews

  • Get the right jobs and promotion

  • Make your next best career move

HIRE DIRECTION is a data-driven talent solutions provider dedicated to helping individuals and organizations solve the job-fit equation. 


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HIRE DIRECTION Limited | 1491 Polaris Parkway, Suite 228, Columbus, OH 43240

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